We Meet a New Friend in Curacao

We Meet a New Friend in Curacao
Victor gives us a tour of his island

January 20, 2024, Saturday
One of the best things about this cruising lifestyle is the opportunity to meet some pretty fabulous people!

Victor Langerwerf was virtually introduced to us by Fergus, one of the W-ARC “Yellow Shirt” leaders.  As Curacao’s Ocean Cruising Club Port Officer, Victor was able to make some good recommendations for service providers, as well as their contact information.  Not only was he helpful in that respect, but he also joined us for lunch (a place that locals like on Caracas Bay) and told us SO much about what we had to look forward to on this trip.  

Enjoying the view from one of the highest elevations in Curacao

After lunch, he took us for a quick tour of the island while sharing some of its history.  For instance, he told us a little about Spanish Water, the bay where we were anchored. Since the bay is surrounded by low hills, one can easily understand how the Spanish Armada would want to take advantage of its protection from the elements. However, they should have been a bit more concerned about protection from the Dutch!  Around 1634, a small band of Dutch soldiers made a silent trip over land from Willemstad, attacked the fleet from the hillsides, and destroyed it.  This successful surprise attack secured Dutch possession of the island.

Beautiful view, beautiful day!